digital forensics e-discovery

Digital forensics & E-discovery

We assist our clients to rapidly respond to digital information needs.

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Maestro & Irwin
Consulting LLP

The technology risk solutions experts

Excellent Services

We furnish our clients with detailed reports that highlights critical vulnerabilities , business risks and our recommendations on mitigation.

Enhanced Security

Private & secure sandboxed work environments are the foundation of all services. Get the extra layer of security you need in all work engagements.

Data Privacy

Our tools create a private data pipelines to promote client’s privacy. This allows us to perform all our work without external third party access.

About Us

Maestro and Irwin Consulting LLP is a technology risks consultancy. We provide technology risk assurance solutions to our clients such as digital forensics services, penetration testing, IT system audits, data recovery and cyber incident response services.

We aim to assist organizations in various sectors build secure, compliant and resilient business environments in an age of ever-changing technology.

We believe that responsible risk taking is at the core of our clients’ success. We have unparalleled experience in helping clients solve the challenges and crises that arise in any ambitious organization seeking to convert risk into opportunity. The insight and depth of experience we have gained over the years proves invaluable in giving our clients the intelligence they need to grasp opportunities with greater certainty.

We support small and medium-sized national and international companies on their journey to greater security, compliance and resilience. They include but are not limited to small sized NGOs, Saccos, Pensioners, Insurance brokers, co-operatives and manufacturing companies in Kenya.

Our People

Our people

Maestro and Irwin is the sum of diverse expertise - bringing multiple perspectives and deep experience to bear on our clients’ behalf.
Our expertise reflects our backgrounds as technologists, lawyers, investigators, cyber experts, strategy consultants and a host of other professions.