Cyber Incidence Response

Cyber incidence response services

Maestro and Irwin understands how critical it is for organizations to respond quickly to cyber attacks. Our cyber incidents response team of experts works closely with the clients to establish the root cause of the breach, quantify the loss and mitigate the risk within a reasonable turn around We use a coordinated approach and leverage on the appropriate resources to effectively minimize and control the damage resulting from cyber attacks and effective prevention of future incidents. We have in depth experience in responding to all forms of cyber attack incidents including but not limited to the following:

  • Unauthorized remote access to systems

  • Malware attacks

  • Denial of service and distributed denial of service

  • Man in the middle attacks

  • ARP spoofing attacks

  • Web and mobile applications attacks

  • All forms phishing attacks, sql injection, cross site scripting

  • Password attacks and much more.